Call for Scores
Call for Scores
Score submissions due by: September 30, 2021
Notifications by: October 31, 2021
Conference Date: March 19th & 20th
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Evan Williams
*Note conference is planned to be held in a hybrid format (further details pending)
Midwest Music Research Collective (MMRC) is pleased to announce our 4th annual conference held conjunctly with Musicians for an Anti-Racist College (MARC). A keynote address will be given by Dr. Williams on the subject of the “Myth of the Genius Composer.”
MMRC and KUMARC want to uplift composers from the margins of music. Any graduate student application will be considered. Applicants do not need to be music students. We will also be recording the performance in an effort to provide recordings/video for the composers’ works.
For more information (and updates) please visit:
Score Submission Details:
Should be no longer than a 10-minute duration
Chamber/solo scores preferred, but larger ensemble
Instrumentation may include the following:*
1 flute
2 oboe
2 bassoon
2 clarinet
1 cello
1 violin
1 trombone
1-3 percussion
Soprano, Tenor, Mezzo-Soprano vocals
Tape pieces or pieces with electronic accompaniment will be considered
*At this time, these are the instruments available to participate in March 2022. Subject to change.
**Concertos and works for string orchestra not eligible.
Applicants should send a a preview score to the program committee chair, Luke Helker, via .pdf attachment to
By submitting to this call, the composer gives permission to record audio of the concert in which the submitted piece is included, and upon winning, to provide MMRC with a headshot, biographical information, and the score and parts in pdf format at no charge.

Call for Papers
Call for Papers
Abstract submissions due by: December 31st, 2021.
Notifications by: January 31st, 2022.
Conference Date: March 19th & 20th (tentatively)
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Evan Williams
*Note conference is planned to be held in a hybrid format (further details pending)
Midwest Music Research Collective (MMRC) is pleased to announce our 4th annual conference held conjunctly with Musicians for an Anti-Racist College (MARC). A keynote address will be given by Dr. Williams on the subject of the “Myth of the Genius Composer.”
MMRC would like to extend an invitation to graduate students from any discipline whose research deals with music to submit proposals for paper presentations.
MMRC and KUMARC want to uplift topics from the margins of music. This can take the form of researchers that are often marginalized within their field, research on topics that are outside of the canon, or both. This year, we would like to focus on research pertaining to composers, compositions, performance practice, and/or pedagogical practices.
For more information (and updates) please visit the MMRC website and Facebook page:
Abstract Submission Details:
Applicants should send a 200-350 word abstract to the program committee chair, Luke Helker, via .doc or .pdf attachment to We will also accept abstracts in the body of the email if you do not possess the technology to create a document in the aforementioned file types. All submissions will be anonymized prior to selection for the conference.
Submissions will be accepted until December 31st, 2021. All applicants will be notified of the program committee’s decision via email by January 31st, 2022.
You should send your submission via the email address you wish to use for conference communications; please make sure that you sign your submission (the attachment or the email itself) with your full name as you would like to be addressed and display your preferred pronouns.