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Fall Conference 2018

The University of Kansas

Friday and Saturday, September 21-22

All events will take place in the Hall Center for the Humanities, unless otherwise noted.

Friday, September 21

12:00-1:00 PM Registration

1:00-1:15 PM Welcome

Brent Ferguson, President, MMRC

Robert Walzel, Dean, University of Kansas School of Music

1:15-2:45 PM Session 1: Acoustical Story Telling

Chair: Ingrid Stölzel, University of Kansas

Portrayals of Female Exoticism in the Early Broadway Years: The Music and Performance Styles of Comedy Songs in the Follies of 1907

Mary Beth Sheehy, University of Kansas

Dramatic Frames and Textural Space in Britten’s Curlew River

Stanley Fink, Florida State University

Problematizing Tonic: The Spiritual and Voice-Leading in Queen’s “Somebody to Love”

Sammy Gardner, University of North Texas

2:45-3:00 PM Break

3:00-5:00 PM Session 2: Systematizing Sounds

Chair: Scott Murphy, University of Kansas

Chabanon, Rameau, and the “Nerveux systême”: Listening (to) Bodies in Early Modern France

Stephen M. Kovaciny, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chopin’s Introvert Paradox: Topical Ambiguity, Liminal Liveness, and a Haunted Recording

Sean Gower, University of Cincinnati

On the Turing Test and the Entailments of Style: Jazz Robots, Metapragmatics, and Improvisation

Brian Miller, Yale University

5:00-7:00 PM Dinner

(on your own- we have a group reservation for 40 so feel free to join us)

Lawrence Beer Company

826 Pennsylvania St, Lawrence, KS 66044

7:30-9:30 PM Concert and Presentation

Swarthout Recital Hall, Murphy Hall, 3rd Floor (northwest corner)

Bryan “Kip” Haaheim, University of Kansas

Saturday, September 22

8:00-8:30 AM Registration

8:30-10:30 AM Session 3: Identity Building Through Music and Place

Chair: Sherrie Tucker, University of Kansas

Beats and Brotherhood: The DIY Hip-Hop Recording Studio as Black Public Sphere

Jasmine Henry, Rutgers University

Carnatic Music Transplanted to America: Innovations of Youth in “Sustaining Sampradaya”

Rachel Schuck, Frost School of Music- University of Miami

Philmont Campfires and Presentational Participation

Ellyn Washburne, University of Kentucky

Confessions from the Killing Jar: “Coming-out” as Reclamation and Selfcare

Laura Schwartz, University of Pittsburgh

10:30-10:45 AM Break

10:45 AM-12:15 PM Workshop

Turning Your Conference Presentation into an Article

Dr. Hannah Lewis, University of Texas at Austin

12:15-1:30 PM Lunch

(On your own)

1:30-2:30 PM Keynote Address

Capturing Liveness: Music in Early French Sound Cinema

Dr. Hannah Lewis, University of Texas at Austin

2:30-2:45 PM Break

2:45-4:15 PM Session 4: Twentieth-Century Reception Histories

Chair: Paul Laird, University of Kansas

The Tragic Phase of Irony: Tracing the Interaction of Pastoral and Military Topics in Vaughan-Williams’ Pastoral Symphony

Paul Garza, University of Houston

Spanish Opera at the Crossroads: Conrado del Campo’s El final de don Álvaro (1910)

David Ferreiro, Complutense University of Madrid

Lost in Translation: Introducing Bossa Nova to American Listeners

Rami Stucky, University of Virginia

4:15 PM Conference adjourned: Thanks for your participation!

Keynote Biography

Hannah Lewis is Assistant Professor of Musicology at the University of Texas at Austin. Her

research focuses on music for film and visual media, early twentieth-century French music,

American experimental music, and musical theater. She received her PhD in Historical Musicology

from Harvard University in 2014, and she taught at Tufts University before joining the faculty at

UT. Her book, French Musical Culture and the Coming of Sound Cinema, was published earlier this month as part of Oxford University Press's Music and Media series. Her work has also appeared in the Journal of the American Musicological Society, Journal of the Society for American Music, Musical Quarterly, the Journal of Musicological Research and The Cambridge Companion to Film Music, and she has presented at national and regional meetings of the American Musicological Society, Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Music and the Moving Image, and the Society for American Music (where she received the Mark Tucker Award in 2014). She is currently co-editing a volume with James Buhler titled Voicing the Cinema, and is beginning work on a new project, which examines the screen adaptations of Rodgers and Hammerstein's stage musicals.


Friday: if you would like to park on campus on Friday, please register with KU Parking and Transit using the link provided in a separate email. If you have not received the link, email to request a copy. Once you click the link, you must provide some information about your vehicle. If you are renting a car, you may still follow the link and fill out a form on the day of the conference. If you do not plan on parking on Friday, please do not fill out a form.

Saturday: parking is free in most lots on Saturday. Park in the blue, red, or yellow lots near the Hall center. Signs at the entrance of each lot will indicate their color and the normal parking hours.


Throughout the conference, we will provide water, coffee, and small snacks. However, meals will be on your own. Below you may find a small list of suggested restaurants in downtown Lawrence on Massachusetts Street. 

(for a more complete listing, please see

Baan Thai

The Burger Stand at the Casbah

The Mad Greek Restaurant

Merchant’s Pub & Plate (Vegetarian/Vegan)

Free State Brewing Co.

Limestone Pizza Kitchen and Bar

McLain’s Market

The Roost

Sponsors and Gratitude

The MMRC would like to thank eXplore Lawrence and the following departments at the University of Kansas for their support:

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Department of American Studies
Department of Film and Media Studies Department of Psychology

Department of Theatre and Dance Jewish Studies
Office of Research
School of Music

Thank you also to those who helped the MMRC during its genesis, including the Music Theory and Musicology faculty. Thank you to Dr. Colin Roust for his support and advice. Finally, we extend special thanks to our student organization faculty adviser, Dr. Scott Murphy.

Midwest Music Research Collective Officers

Brent Ferguson, President
Matthew Ferrandino, Vice President

Leslee Wood, Treasurer

TJ Laws-Nicola, Local Accommodations

Dustin Chau, Digital Relations
Justin Sextro, Program Committee Chair

Fall Conference 2018: Welcome

©2019 by Dustin Chau and Alexandria Schneider. Created with

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